Welcome to the Perspectives interactive demo! In less than 10 minutes, gain a feel for the learner experience and quickly discover why our research-backed program will benefit your team.
We’ll begin with a story about a challenging workplace dynamic. Farah was sitting in her office on a Monday morning when she overheard a conversation in the hallway outside. Jay was swapping weekend stories with some colleagues. Their conversation turned to a news story about immigration that made the front page on Sunday. Being from an immigrant family herself, Farah’s ears perked up.
“Like what, a wall?” one of Jay’s coworkers responded sarcastically as the others laughed. Jay was used to it, but he still felt disrespectful. “I don't belong here,” he thought to himself. “That’s the last time I share honestly what I'm thinking.”
Farah’s blood pressure was up, too. She found Jay's statements unacceptable. She’d grown up in a small town that was often hostile to immigrant families like hers. She never felt that she belonged, and she had tried to get far away from that experience as an adult.“How could this intolerance follow me to work?” she thought. To the extent she could, Farah decided she would avoid Jay. She could do her work without interacting with him, right?